Constant Circle

Life seems to get easier the busier it gets. I can’t say that I have always felt this way, but lately that is exactly how I feel. I feel like if I just keep going, just don’t stop, then I will be ok. I can keep going because I keep going. I know how that sounds and it might not make the most sense, but for some reason for me, it just works. I fear stopping. I fear having to examine and think, because that brings up memories and pain. I am scared to stop and to deal and really that means to heal.

I have realized certain things about myself the more I think and stop. I have been told that I don’t reflect on myself and that is true, but not entirely true. I know that I have things that I need to work on, we are not perfect, but there are things that I need help with also. I feel like my emotions are something that need to be controlled and can I do that? I am not sure, I used to feel fine when I started to take anxiety and anti-depressant meds. I stopped taking them though and have been thinking about if I need them again. I know that most of the time that is hooked in with therapy and I don’t think that I am ready for that.

I fear starting it all again. I have started and stopped a lot over the years and now that I feel like it is not the forefront of my life that I need to just let it pass. I can’t say that I am healed from it or that I have dealt with it though and that is something that I question. Should I feel like I have dealt with it? I feel like I ask the same questions constantly. I guess I just want an answer and I am not sure where to get it from.

I don’t want to be uncaring or unkind. I want to feel things and that is something that I struggle with. Can I keep this all bottled up and still feel and live the life that I should? I can’t say that I want to be a ball of emotions, but I just want to feel things. I have heard people say that they don’t take meds because of just that reason, but I just want to have a balance in it all. I feel like I am either one extreme or the other. There is no happy medium for me and I feel like that shouldn’t be the case. I can’t just be content, I am either super happy, sad or mad…it’s just how it all feels. I can go from up to down in the blink of an eye too and that is tiring.

I want to deal with this all and get it all out. I want to be whole and without these issues clouding my mind and my way. I don’t want to struggle with fears, pain, heartache forever. I feel like unless I come up with some way to be ok, then I will always be this way but I can’t seem to figure out how to make it “ok”. Sometimes it feels like a dog chasing its tail or something. I am just going round and round without any solutions and there has to be one, I just don’t know what it is, at least not yet.

How It All Still Gets Me

As I continue to read through “Lucky” I am surprised how I have found myself almost completely through it. I can’t believe how quickly it read and now I feel like I am not ready for it to be over. In a strange way it felt like a friend, like someone though I wasn’t speaking with, like there was a voice something that really understood it all and at times it really helped. I partly want to read other such books not necessarily for the content but just the feelings, the emotions of reading and finding understanding.
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Society Just Doesn’t Get It….

It has been a couple days but with all the new shows starting that seems to be my focus. I am super busy with watching TV shows and also doing reviews for local theater and movies. I have been keeping busy with other life stuff and I have been unable to really think about myself or writing for my blog. I know that writing and working on my healing should be something that I am actively doing, but I guess living life is what it is all about so I am doing that, so that is what counts? I guess I am just scared that something from out of left field will come and knock me on my butt!
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Trust is still an issue

I’ve realized a sad reality, I don’t trust people, mainly men. It’s a sad thing and for the past couple days I’ve really been thinking about it. I don’t meet guys and think of he could be a nice guy. I think I wonder if he would hurt me if given the chance, I think I wonder what he is really like. It sickens me and even though I don’t consciously do it, I have realized that I do it with almost everyone.
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Sleeping, Not Sleeping, Nightmares and Life

Last night was an interesting night. I have been having issues sleeping again and that could be from all the normal every day stuff but last night I saw a preview of a new movie that will be on Lifetime “Big Driver” and it just seemed to stay in my mind apparently. It is based on a Stephen King novella and it is about a woman who is raped and beaten then left for dead, but escapes and comes back to seek revenge. I have not read this novella but just from the preview I could tell it looked really dark and disturbing. I actually had to read online what it was about, but after I did it, I just had this ugh feeling.
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Stays the Same

You ask me a question,
You expect a response,
I don’t know what to tell you,
I know what was done,
But how do I feel,
Why would you ask,
What does it matter,
The past is the past,
I push it away,
Daily from my mind,
Hoping in time,
That the years will just pass,
Somehow they will be kind,
The hope that I have,
That one day I will forget,
All that I know,
About all that he did.
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